Start of the Save the Blue Five project

Save the Blue Five is a regional project to protect migratory marine megafauna in the Southeast Pacific region (Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile). The project is financed by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV), through its International Climate Initiative and executed by the German Corporation GIZ, the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific, CPPS, Conservation International, CI, and MarViva Foundation.

The project seeks to improve the conservation and long-term survival of marine megafauna species along their main migratory routes by coordinating and implementing efficient protection measures between countries and key stakeholders.

Save the Blue Five’s lines of action are:

  • Strengthening of regional policy dialogue, decisions, and management strategies.
  • Coordinated regional biodiversity monitoring.
  • Public-private initiatives and other funding methods.
  • Regional communication and skill-building strategies

The project hopes to consolidate efforts to strengthen regional coordination and increase knowledge about migratory megafauna, training government agents and critical stakeholders to contribute to commitments to the conservation of migratory species.