At MarViva, we work in support of strengthening the legal framework that regulates human activities in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. We facilitate multisectoral processes for the planning, creation and participatory governance of MPAs in Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia.

We empower community actors in the consolidation of value chains for artisanal fishing and rural tourism, improving the resilience of natural resources and the quality of life of coastal populations.

Learn more about our projects:




MSP is a public, participatory process for multisectoral planning and comprehensive management of marine and coastal space and resources. It considers complementary objectives of ecological, economic and social health. It involves the various stakeholders in the planning, design, and implementation of measures for the management and conservation of the sea.



Through our regional Markets for Conservation program, MarViva supports stakeholder awareness of the supply and demand of marine products and services. We promote good practices for the use and consumption of natural resources, which reduce pressure on ecosystems.



Since 2014, we have promoted the prevention of marine pollution, by single-use plastics, through a social intervention strategy that seeks a change in consumption habits, focused on the life cycle approach. The decrease in the use and consumption of disposable plastics is an urgent change that all societies must make if we want healthy marine and marine coastal spaces.