• YEAR




Economic activities in the Thermal Dome

The Thermal Dome is of great importance to the economy both through its direct uses such as shipping and commercial fishing, as well as indirect uses such as tourism.


Marine biodiversity in the Thermal Dome

The Dome is an ecosystem with a great abundance of species. This infographic shows some of the species found in the Dome.


Oceanographic dynamics of the Thermal Dome

The extension of the Dome fluctuates from year to year, because it depends on the interaction of oceanographic and terrestrial systems that are variable. In this infographic you can learn about the dynamics of this phenomenon.


What is the Thermal Dome?

The Thermal Dome is a unique oceanographic phenomenon. How does it occur and what is its importance? You can find the answers in this infographic


Principales retos y oportunidades para lograr la conservación y el uso sostenible del Domo

Al estar en altamar el Domo carece de marco normativo que lo proteja de actividades humanas, por lo que no se puede asegurar su conservación y uso sostenible de los recursos y ecosistemas en la actualidad. ¿Qué se está haciendo al respecto? Consulte esta infografía.