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Sustainable productive alternatives to promote social and economic well-being in the central canton of Puntarenas

Between October 2018 and June 2021, Fundacioìn MarViva, with funding from the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI), led the project “Safer and more prosperous Puntarenas through improved government services in marginal coastal areas in Costa Rica.” One of its objectives was to identify feasible sustainable productive alternatives that, in… Leer más »Sustainable productive alternatives to promote social and economic well-being in the central canton of Puntarenas

Identifying priority areas for research and conservation of the largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis in Colombia and Panama

To construct a baseline for the temporal and spatial distribution of the largetooth sawfish in Colombia and Panamá, we collected historical records from museum databases and literature over the past century, analysed available small-scale fisheries landings databases, and conducted interviews with fishers in 38 locations. We found 248 records of… Leer más »Identifying priority areas for research and conservation of the largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis in Colombia and Panama

Annual Report 2020

Compendium of the activities and goals achieved by the human team of Fundación MarViva in the three countries where we operate, throughout the year 2020.

Annual Report 2019

Compendium of the activities and goals achieved by the human team of Fundación MarViva in the three countries where we operate, throughout the year 2019.