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Annual Report 2022

Compendium of the activities and goals achieved by the human team of Fundación MarViva in the three countries where we operate, throughout the year 2022.

Heroínas del Mar

Heroínas del Mar rinde homenaje a 11 valiosas mujeres de Costa Rica, Panamá y Colombia que, para contribuir en sus comunidades, incidir en la toma de decisiones o desarrollarse profesionalmente, han tenido que superar obstáculos y brechas de género. Mujeres que, a lo largo y ancho de nuestra región, tienenLeer más »Heroínas del Mar

An analysis of policy options available to the International Maritime Organization to protect the Costa Rica Thermal Dome: Building the case for a particularly sensitive sea area

This document analyzes tools under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to reduce the threats from international shipping in the marine environment, with particular emphasis on the CRTD. The following IMO tools were included in the analysis: ship routing measures and speed reductions, a Special Area under the International Convention forLeer más »An analysis of policy options available to the International Maritime Organization to protect the Costa Rica Thermal Dome: Building the case for a particularly sensitive sea area