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Juan Manuel Posada López

Social Progress Index in Puntarenas: a vision of the fishing sector

This publication presents the main findings of the first measurement of the Social Progress Index in the country, at a district scale in Puntarenas. It presents an analysis and findings on the specific characteristics of the fishing sector in Puntarenas, with the objective of identifying opportunities for economic development and… Leer más »Social Progress Index in Puntarenas: a vision of the fishing sector

Planificación Espacial Marina (PEM) en el Pacífico norte colombiano

El Pacífico norte colombiano ha sido un escenario piloto de Planificación Espacial Marina (PEM), herramienta que busca subsanar los conflictos de competencia por los recursos pesqueros de los sectores industriales y artesanales, el deterioro y sobreexplotación de los ecosistemas marino costeros sensibles, y actividades incompatibles con una vocación local como… Leer más »Planificación Espacial Marina (PEM) en el Pacífico norte colombiano

Identifying priority areas for research and conservation of the largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis in Colombia and Panama

To construct a baseline for the temporal and spatial distribution of the largetooth sawfish in Colombia and Panamá, we collected historical records from museum databases and literature over the past century, analysed available small-scale fisheries landings databases, and conducted interviews with fishers in 38 locations. We found 248 records of… Leer más »Identifying priority areas for research and conservation of the largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis in Colombia and Panama