This document analyzes the economic impact of the Thermal Dome in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and its influence on the national and local economies of five countries: Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. In addition, recommendations are offered for more efficient management of these marine resources, in order to ensure their preservation and maximize their positive and sustainable contribution to local communities and the economy as a whole.
This policy paper describe the agreement Central American States are pursuing to declare the Thermal Dome or part of it as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area within the IMO regulations.
Este documento de política describe el acuerdo que los Estados Centroamericanos están persiguiendo para declarar el Domo Térmico o parte de este como un área marina particularmente sensible de conformidad con las regulaciones de la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI).
Este artículo pretende motivar hacia una reflexión hacia lo que ha sido la acción oceánica, desde una visión optimista sobre la importancia de conectar los puntos entre la incidencia global y la incidencia local para alcanzar la tutela efectiva de nuestros espacios y ecosistemas marinos.
Costa Rica has produced a wealth of scientific information about its oceans, mostly generated by public universities. Here, we present a brief overview of key efforts by academics thus far towards understanding marine habitats and resources in Costa Rica.