• YEAR




MarViva Foundation Strategic Plan, period 2024-2028

This publication, the result of a participatory process, contains the strategic plan for the five-year period 2024-2028, including the review of its mission, vision, objectives and values, as well as the presentation of the strategic pillars. The analysis carried out seeks to maximize opportunities and achieve our goals, within the framework of a context that is always changing and challenging.

Recomendaciones para una mejor planificación y asignación presupuestaria gubernamental, orientada a la gestión integral de los recursos marino-costeros en Panamá

Este documento diagnóstico fue desarrollado de manera conjunta con las autoridades responsables de gestión de los ecosistemas marino-costeros y sus recursos, y logra identificar las limitantes operativas y financieras que dificultan la debida ejecución del marco jurídico y de políticas públicas, dirigidas a la conservación del medio marino. Con ello visibilizado, corresponde ahora garantizar la sostenibilidad financiera para la gestión de estos espacios y de la vida que allí converge.


Recommendations for better government planning and budget allocation for the integrated management of coastal marine resources in Panama

This document was produced thanks to the joint work and support of the highest authorities and operation personel responsible for managing marine-coastal ecosystems and its resources, and seeks to raise awareness on this issue and identify the initial steps required to promote financial sustainability for the management of coastal marine spaces and the life that converges in them.


Relevant aspects about the Thermal Dome

Know about its general importance, the threats that challege its ecological services and the options we have for its welfare.


Guidance document for understanding the United Nations Treaty for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

Editorial contribution dedicated to spreading knowledge and improving understanding of what the BBNJ treaty entails, both for the general public and for government officials in charge of implementing it.

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